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Ultimate Mega Pack Bundle Over 100 Profiles

  11 packages included 1) Carol-Ann JB-100 Red Bonamassa Limited Edition2) Soldano SLO 100 Custom3) Kings of Clean4) RedSeven Leviathan 1205) Mezzabarba M-Zero Overdrive6) Orange Rockerverb 1007) Fortin Meshuggah 2.08) Fab 8 Amps High Gain9) Fab 4 Amps High Gain 10) Marshall Plexi (Van Halen ...Read more
15,00 €

  • Description


11 packages included

1) Carol-Ann JB-100 Red Bonamassa Limited Edition
2) Soldano SLO 100 Custom
3) Kings of Clean
4) RedSeven Leviathan 120
5) Mezzabarba M-Zero Overdrive
6) Orange Rockerverb 100
7) Fortin Meshuggah 2.0
8) Fab 8 Amps High Gain
9) Fab 4 Amps High Gain
10) Marshall Plexi (Van Halen tone)
11) Ampli Boutique (Dumble - Jim Kelly reverb)